
Man Group PLC: Form 8.3 - Aviva plc

Published December 5, 2024

On December 5, 2024, Man Group PLC provided a disclosure in accordance with Rule 8.3 of the Takeover Code. This rule is concerned with the public opening position disclosures and dealing disclosures by individuals or entities that hold interests in relevant securities amounting to 1% or more.

Key Information

The discloser is Man Group PLC. This disclosure pertains to the offeror or offeree Aviva plc. As of December 4, 2024, Man Group PLC reported an interest in significant positions regarding other parties as well, specifically stating involvement with Direct Line Insurance Group plc.

Positions of Man Group PLC

After the recent dealings, Man Group PLC reported various interests and short positions in Aviva plc's relevant securities. Below is a summary of the interests held:

Class of relevant security:32 17/19p ordinary
Relevant securities owned and/or controlled:12,194,587 shares (0.46%)
Cash-settled derivatives:11,463,362 shares (0.43%)
Stock-settled derivatives:4,913,000 shares (0.18%)
Total:23,657,949 shares (0.88%)

This disclosure encompasses all interests and short positions held by Man Group PLC.

Dealings by Man Group PLC

Within the specified period, Man Group PLC made various transactions involving the relevant securities:

Class of securityTransaction TypeNumber of SecuritiesPrice per Unit (GBP)
32 17/19p ordinaryPurchase6004.804

Additionally, multiple cash-settled derivatives transactions included various adjustments to long and short positions, primarily completed through equity swaps.

Additional Information

Man Group PLC reported no indemnities or other arrangements that may influence dealings related to Aviva plc. No agreements or understandings regarding voting rights for options related to derivatives were mentioned. The disclosure is compliant with all applicable rules and has been submitted to a Regulatory Information Service.

Final Notes

For any inquiries regarding possible violations of the Takeover Code or to seek additional guidance, the Panel’s Market Surveillance Unit is reachable at +44 (0)20 7638 0129. The Code is accessible on the Panel's website.

ManGroup, Aviva, Disclosure