Toho Co., Ltd. Experiences Notable Rise in Short Interest
Toho Co., Ltd. (OTCMKTS:TKCOF - Get Free Report) has recently seen a significant rise in short interest as we approach the end of December. As of December 15th, the total short interest reached 395,100 shares. This is an increase of 19.4% compared to the short interest reported on November 30th, which stood at 330,800 shares. Given the average daily volume of trading at 100 shares, the estimated days-to-cover ratio is currently at 3,951.0 days.
Toho's Stock Performance
On the most recent trading day, shares of Toho opened at $43.45. The company has maintained a 50-day moving average price of $39.60 and a longer-term 200-day moving average price of $34.87. Over the past year, Toho's stock has experienced a low of $25.81 and a high of $43.45, showcasing some volatility and potential for growth.
Overview of Toho Co., Ltd.
Toho Co., Ltd. is actively involved in various segments of the entertainment industry in Japan. This includes tasks related to motion picture production, theatrical performances, and the management of real estate. The company produces, buys, sells, and rents films. Additionally, it is engaged in creating and selling television programs, movie pamphlets, and video software. Toho also handles business related to merchandising rights and other associated activities in the entertainment sector.
Additional Insights
Investors and analysts are closely observing the performance metrics of companies like Toho, especially in light of the rising short interest. Such metrics could hint at broader market trends and investor sentiment towards the entertainment industry amidst changing dynamics.
Toho, Stocks, Investing