AFC Energy (LON:AFC) Reports Quarterly Earnings Results
AFC Energy (LON:AFC) released its quarterly earnings on Thursday. For the quarter, the company reported earnings per share (EPS) of GBX (2.36), equivalent to approximately ($0.03). The company experienced a negative return on equity of 71.96% and a substantial negative net margin of 4,502.53%, indicating significant financial challenges.
Price Performance Overview
Shares of AFC Energy opened at GBX 6.39, or about ($0.08), on Thursday. The company has a 50-day simple moving average of GBX 8.40 and a two-hundred day simple moving average of GBX 9.58. AFC Energy's market capitalization stands at £54.64 million, with a price-to-earnings (PE) ratio of -2.44 and a beta of 2.96. Over the past year, the stock reached a low of GBX 5.06 ($0.07) and a high of GBX 26.24 ($0.34). Additionally, the company reports a debt-to-equity ratio of 2.13 and liquidity ratios, with a current ratio of 4.87 and a quick ratio of 12.18.
Recent Insider Transactions
In related news, insider Gary Bullard acquired 100,000 shares of AFC Energy on March 19th, purchasing them at an average price of GBX 6 ($0.08) per share, totaling about £6,000 ($7,805.39). Additionally, insider Karl Bostock bought 250,000 shares on February 6th, at an average cost of GBX 9 ($0.12) each, worth £22,500 ($29,270.20) in total. Notably, company insiders hold 16.21% of the firm's stock.
Company Overview
AFC Energy plc is a prominent provider of hydrogen fuel cell power systems that generate clean energy, aiming to support the global energy transition. Based in the United Kingdom, the company's scalable systems offer off-grid, zero-emission power solutions that are currently utilized for rapid electric vehicle charging and as replacements for diesel generators in temporary power applications.
Investment Considerations
Before considering an investment in AFC Energy, it is crucial to evaluate various options. Market analysts keep track of the highest-rated stocks, and currently, AFC Energy is not among the top recommendations. While it has received a Buy rating, analysts believe that there are five other stocks that represent better investment opportunities at this time.
AFC, Earnings, Stock