Arrow Electronics ARW Receives a Rating Boost from

Investment analysts at have recently revised their rating for Arrow Electronics ARW from 'hold' to 'buy' status, signaling a positive outlook on the company's stock performance. Arrow Electronics is a prominent global distributor of electronic components and enterprise computing solutions, with operations spanning across the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and Asia Pacific, and headquartered in Centennial, Colorado.
Analysts' Perspectives on ARW
There has been a variety of opinions from equity analysts on Arrow Electronics. Bank of America has adjusted their target price on the company, moving from $155.00 down to $148.00. Conversely, Truist Financial has shown more optimism, raising their target price from $131.00 to $138.00 and maintaining a 'hold' rating. Currently, the stock holds one 'sell' rating, three 'hold' ratings, and two 'buy' ratings from various analysts. The average consensus target price is positioned at $133.67 based on data from MarketBeat.
Market Performance of ARW
The stock opened at $120.54 with a market capitalization cresting at $6.53 billion. ARW boasts an attractive price-to-earnings ratio of 6.73, a PEG ratio of 1.76, and shows a beta of 1.44. The fifty-day moving average stands at $121.15, with the two-hundred-day average at $127.94. The 12-month range for ARW has been between a low of $101.01 and a high of $147.42. Financial health indicators reveal a current ratio of 1.45, a quick ratio of 0.96, and a debt-to-equity ratio of 0.47.
Institutional Investors Activity
Arrow Electronics has seen significant activity from institutional investors. New stakes and portfolio increases suggest a bullish sentiment from the market's financial institutions. For instance, Desjardins Global Asset Management Inc. initiated their stake with an investment worth about $25,000 during the first quarter. Similarly, acquisitions from Legacy Financial Group LLC, SouthState Corp, and IFP Advisors Inc, among others, emphasize the ongoing attraction of ARW among hedge funds and other institutional investors, with 94.79% of the company's stock currently held by these entities.
About Arrow Electronics
Arrow Electronics plays a critical role in the global technology supply chain, offering a vast range of products, services, and solutions to users ranging from industrial to commercial in various key markets around the world. As an integral player in the technology sector, Arrow Electronics continues to focus on advancing innovation and providing value to its stakeholders.
Arrow, Electronics, Upgrade