Veolia Environnement SA (OTCMKTS:VEOEY) Short Interest Update
Veolia Environnement SA (OTCMKTS:VEOEY) experienced a notable decline in short interest during January. By January 31st, the total short interest stood at just 9,000 shares, representing a significant decrease of 89.2% from the previous total of 83,500 shares noted on January 15th. Given an average daily trading volume of 617,900 shares, the current short-interest ratio indicates a coverage of 0.0 days.
Veolia Environnement Price Performance
In trading on Wednesday, Veolia Environnement’s shares shifted down by $0.11 to reach $14.04. The company saw a trading volume of 740,110 shares, which surpasses its typical volume of 295,872 shares. Over the past period, Veolia Environnement has maintained a 50-day moving average price of $14.17 and a 200-day moving average price of $15.26. The stock has shown a 52-week low of $13.44 and a high of $17.18. Financial metrics include a current ratio of 0.89, a quick ratio of 0.84, and a debt-to-equity ratio of 1.34.
Overview of Veolia Environnement
Veolia Environnement SA specializes in providing water, waste, and energy management services globally. Its operations are divided into several segments: France and Special Waste Europe; Europe excluding France; Rest of the World; Water Technologies; and Other segments. The company's activities encompass resource management, customer relationship management, drinking water treatment and distribution, wastewater treatment, design and construction of treatment and network infrastructure, along with the sale of water treatment technologies and equipment.
Veolia, short, interests