
Nik Jhangiani Sells 65,676 Shares of Diageo plc (LON:DGE) Stock

Published March 5, 2025

On March 3rd, Nik Jhangiani, an insider at Diageo plc (LON:DGE - Get Free Report), sold 65,676 shares of the company’s stock. This sale occurred at an average price of GBX 2,165, which is approximately $27.51, resulting in a total transaction value of £1,421,885.40 or about $1,806,945.48.

In addition to this transaction, Nik Jhangiani has made several other trades involving Diageo shares:

  • On February 10th, he acquired 7 shares at an average cost of GBX 2,211 ($28.10), totaling £154.77 ($196.68).
  • On January 10th, he purchased 5 shares at an average price of GBX 2,538 ($32.25), amounting to £126.90 ($161.27).

Diageo Stock Performance

After the recent sales, Diageo shares saw a slight decline. During midday trading on Tuesday, the stock was down by GBX 22.50, trading at GBX 2,143 ($27.23). A total of 2,789,899 shares were exchanged, lower than the average volume of 3,861,960. The company has a market capitalization of approximately £47.57 billion, a current ratio of 1.94, and a debt-to-equity ratio of 234.57. Diageo's stock has recently experienced fluctuations, with a twelve-month low of GBX 2,098.50 ($26.67) and a high of GBX 2,974.50 ($37.80).

Analysts’ Outlook on Diageo Stock

Market analysts have recently provided insights into the future of Diageo's stock. On December 6th, Jefferies Financial Group upgraded Diageo to a "buy" rating with a price target of GBX 2,800 ($35.58). Similarly, UBS Group raised their target price from GBX 2,300 ($29.23) to GBX 2,920 ($37.11) with a "buy" rating. Meanwhile, JPMorgan Chase & Co. maintained a "neutral" rating with a price target of GBX 2,500 ($31.77). Currently, Diageo has one sell rating, two hold ratings, and four buy ratings, leading to an overall consensus rating of "Hold" with an average price target of GBX 2,876.67 ($36.56).

About Diageo

Diageo plc, along with its subsidiaries, is a prominent producer and seller of alcoholic beverages. The company offers a wide range of products, including scotch, gin, vodka, rum, and various other spirits, as well as beer and flavored malt beverages. Diageo also provides whiskies from several countries, ready-to-drink options, and non-alcoholic beverages.

Diageo, shares, stocks