Roy Twite Sells 49,259 Shares of IMI plc (LON:IMI) Stock
On March 13th, 2023, Roy Twite, an insider at IMI plc (LON:IMI), sold 49,259 shares of the company. These shares were sold at an average price of GBX 1,962 (approximately $25.41 each), resulting in a total transaction value of £966,461.58 (about $1,251,893.24).
In a prior transaction on February 11th, 2023, Twite had purchased 8 shares of IMI stock at an average price of GBX 1,935 (around $25.06) per share, which amounted to a total of £154.80 ($200.52).
IMI Trading Performance
Following the recent sale, IMI stock experienced a rise of 1.6% on Friday, reaching GBX 1,977 ($25.61). The trading volume for the day was 396,652 shares, considerably lower than the average volume of 2,236,326 shares. IMI plc currently has a market capitalization of £5.01 billion, a price-to-earnings (PE) ratio of 20.26, a price-to-earnings growth (PEG) ratio of 1.12, and a beta of 1.08. Over the past year, the stock has fluctuated between a low of GBX 1,630 ($21.11) and a high of GBX 2,090 ($27.07). The fifty-day simple moving average stands at GBX 1,933.39, while the 200-day average is GBX 1,842.07. The company has a debt-to-equity ratio of 68.33, a current ratio of 1.36, and a quick ratio of 0.80.
IMI plc recently announced its earnings results on February 28th, reporting earnings per share (EPS) of GBX 122.50 ($1.59) for the quarter. The company demonstrated a return on equity of 23.85% and a net margin of 11.46%. Analysts predict that IMI plc will post an EPS of approximately 137.97 for the current fiscal year.
Price Target Adjustments by Analysts
In other news, the Royal Bank of Canada has adjusted its price target for IMI shares from GBX 2,250 ($29.15) to GBX 2,400 ($31.09), rating the stock as "outperform" in a research note dated March 3rd.
Overview of IMI plc
IMI plc is a specialized engineering company that operates within the fluid and motion control markets. It utilizes both deep engineering expertise and application knowledge to address significant industry challenges, contributing to the safety, sustainability, and productivity of its customers. With a workforce of around 10,000, IMI has manufacturing facilities in 19 countries and a global service network.
Investment Considerations
Before making investment decisions regarding IMI, it's advisable to consider insights from top-rated analysts. Although IMI maintains a Buy rating among analysts, there are other stocks that may offer better investment potential.
Stocks, Trading, Market